Julian Hill
Deputy Director Immersive Shows and Destination Experiences Business Units

Julian Hill

Highly versatile artistic project director with experience across world-class entertainment projects and mega-events.

Leaving Sydney Australia in 2009, Julian has accompanied the development and production of the largest live shows on Earth from inception to full delivery. He now speaks four languages and has lived in nine countries, including spending two years in Mexico for the Mexican Bicentenary, two years in Brazil for the Rio 2016 Olympic Ceremonies.

In 2018 he began the Special Projects department at Balich Worldwide Shows, focusing on project design of permanent entertainment venues and cultural attractions. Julian now oversees the development of all Destination Experience projects, developing the creative, technical, financial and operative teams to create entertainment landmarks.

“We’ve managed to take the world ‘Shows’ out of the company name, because we do way more than just shows. We’re a Wonder Studio.”